Our world-class analysis is built on extensive experience, intellectual insatiability and a weariless work ethic. And when confronted with an absence of existing solutions and software, we’ve pioneered new methods of collecting and leveraging data and intelligence.

Open Source

Our team of multilingual analysts combine decades of deep experience with technical open-source collection capabilities.


While technical intelligence gathering is increasingly critical, it must be supported by on-the-ground human intelligence. Our diverse collection network spans 50+ countries.


Our research team leverages commercial satellite imagery and analysis to identify trends and track developments.

Proprietary Databases

We’ve spent years building custom databases that span investment and corporate activity, including PRC corporate investments globally under the One Belt, One Road policy.

Recent Success

$70M U.S. Federal District Court Win

We supported a U.S. plaintiff against a top-5 Chinese state-owned enterprise in a breach of contract dispute, leading to a $70 million order and judgment, a precedent-setting alter-ego ruling and a repeatable methodology.